Run This One Back From The Start

Can you call something a daily blog so long as it gets posted on a day?

I initially had a vision for this blog to serve as a daily exercise that would stretch me and keep me honest about the works of creativity I love.

And it did.

But then I had to prep for paternity leave.

And then I had a second child.

And then I had to recover from that paternity leave.

And then I had to play catch-up.

And then I had… And then I had… And then I had…

Are you picking up what I’m putting down here?

The truth is this - I didn’t have time to stretch these muscles. I wasn’t making excuses. I wasn’t being selfish. I simply didn’t have the space. We must be honest with ourselves in moments when the time isn’t there.

It’s tempting to beat up on myself and say that I should have stayed up later, woken up earlier, worked harder, and played less. But this isn’t helpful or fair. Not to my family, not to my vocation, and certainly not to myself.

The whole precipice of this website is that I am a notoriously busy person.

I love to do and get done. It’s my personality.

Whenever life gets in the way of that (and it will), I am still learning to step away from the things that generally drive me and instead lean into the space I am offered in this specific time and place.

Will this blog be daily?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But it’s a practice that I’m ready to adopt (adapt?) once again. So - let’s get back into it.


June 20th, 2022